Ministry trainings

Like a university or school, not everyone will be in or at everything all the time. Ultimately there would be HOLY SPIRIT ACTIVITY going on all the time as leaders will be busy training many others outside the building as much or more than inside.

1) An Apostolic or MACRO vision CHURCH

The church we see in the book of Acts was not like the typical church we see today but a center of training and lifestyle where all the believers pursued equipping in their callings and gifting. There was an intense presence of God brooding over these epicenters of supernatural training and life as believers, immersed in God's presence, gathered in Jerusalem, Antioch and Ephesus. Signs, wonders, miracles,healings,prophecy, miraculous answers to prayer and supernatural faith were all a part of these centers as all the gifts were honored and the supernatural was normal. Great grace was on them all as this simply overflowed into their daily lives in their homes, marketplace,schools,workplace and life schedule.

It will be a place where vision is received.A place where the Kingdom is caught as well as taught as believers discover and become who they are called to be and do what they are called to do. This HERO generation need a Kingdom model of hope, faith and a challenge to rescue their world! God wants to raise up many shining examples in this generation who act differently and have a place to practically walk out their callings and encourage one another in the journey. There will be freedom around a culture of honor and family, where value for one another will be cultivated.

Devoted to apostolic teaching, worship, prayer and fellowship around our pursuit of Jesus.

Meeting corporately and house to house (possible that many of these schools will be in houses)


School of Prayer (all ages)

School of Prophets (discerning Gods voice, dreams and visions, interpretation)

School of Intentional Sanctification (deliverance, breaking inner vows that bind, inner healing, healing of wounds, vows)

Spiritual Warfare Paradigm

Study of the Soul (liberating our souls)

Study of the Holy Spirit- manifestations ,gifts ,healings and miracles


Supernatural outreaches/prophetic evangelism Mt 10:7-8

Ministry to Poor /Widows


Get a LIFE: Basic life skills, such as etiquette, manners, dress, corporate conduct, ethics, financial basic skills
Marriage/family life/home